Imagine a zoo where the animals roam free but the people are put in cages. If that sounds too good to be true, think again: it’s a reality. A zoo in China puts visitors in cages but allows the wild animals to be in the open.
The beautiful sight of seeing big cats and bears in their natural habitat is something that has been unavailable until now. The Lehe Ledu Wildlife Zoo puts visitors in a safe, mobile, caged truck and transports them around the zoo.
Source: YouTube
Since chunks of meat are tied to the outside of the moving cage, animals are attracted to it. Visitors get an up close and personal look at species they would likely never see otherwise (at least that intimately).
Visitors are warned not to put their fingers or hands outside the cage because lions and tigers could bite them. Some naysayers are unhappy with the concept, worrying this is an accident waiting to happen.
Source: YouTube
Since its 2015 opening, the tickets sell out time and again. One thing is for sure: this is a memorable experience, unlike anything most people have seen until now.
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