A human and his/her dog develop a bond comparable to that of a parent to a child. When this man’s dog went missing, his heart was beyond repair. The small Poodle, named Baby Boy, was stolen from his yard. And then sold to an unsuspecting woman who then grew attached.
The woman, who becomes a defendant in Judge Judy’s courtroom, claims she had no idea that the dog was stolen and she was going to fight tooth and nail to keep the dog she had bonded with and paid for.
Judge Judy is a very intelligent woman. She came up with a plan that she thought would work like a charm.
She ordered the defendant to place the dog onto the floor in the middle of the courtroom to see who he would run to.
Baby Boy ran right to the plaintiff. He jumps like crazy on his leg like “Pick me up, dad! I’ve missed you so much. Where have you been?” Baby Boy knew exactly who he belonged with and there was no denying it. Their reunion is so heartfelt. The man even cried.
Baby Boy is now back with his family where he belongs. He has sure been through a lot. But thankfully this dramatic story has a happy ending!
Please microchip your pets so something like this doesn’t ever happen to you! Had Baby Boy been microchipped then this whole case could’ve been resolved easily.
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