Great Danes are wonderful dogs, and their size only adds to the mystique and popularity of the breed. They are the true gentle giants of the world, and the 21 photos below definitely prove that. 😉
h/t Bored Panda
#1 “Louis made a new friend”
#2 “I have the REAL Scooby Doo”
#3 Lily the blind Great Dane and her Seeing-Eye dog, Maddison.
#4 Settling in for nap time.
#5 “I trained my Great Dane to take selfies with me”
#6 “Say hello to my little friend…” 🙂
#7 “My graceful Great Dane, Hendrix.”
#8 Will you throw my ball?
#9 “This is why I love Great Danes.”
#10 Kate the Great Dane and Pippin the orphaned fawn.
#11 “This dog is turning into a pancake” 😀
#12 “The most majestic pup.”
#13 “My Great Dane puppy makes this face every time I take carrots out of the fridge…”
#14 So majestic. 😉
#15 “She firmly believes she’s a lap dog…”
#16 “Cutest Great Dane mom & puppy picture ever”
#17 “Son talked us into going to the animal shelter saying he wanted a small dog ….. worth it for that smile”
#18 “My Dane loves listening to my nan’s stories”
#19 “Bigboye decided this couch belongs to him”
#20 “The paw of my 4 month old Great Dane.”
#21 “My 6m/o great dane (now 90lbs) is still bffs with my cat”