They Shaved Off Years Of Neglect & Matted Fur, Unveiling The Most Precious Face

When 11-year-old Ellie Mae’s owner died, she remained in the home by herself until people who had come to clean up the house found her.

She was so matted that rescuers first thought she was a pile of dirty mops. They had to carry her in a storage tote, since she was unable to walk from being so badly matted.

Nebraska Humane Society/Facebook

She was brought to the Nebraska Humane Society, where staff and groomers got to work, shaving her filthy mats off.

But it was even worse than they thought. In addition to knotted hair, there was also feces and other debris stuck in her coat.

Nebraska Humane Society/Facebook

When they were done, they removed nearly nine pounds of hair. They also clipped her nails, which were almost six inches long.

Ellie Mae had been severely neglected for years, but her long grooming session unveiled a precious, innocent face. This newly groomed face would now experience love for the first time in a long time.

Nebraska Humane Society/Facebook

This sweet, happy pup is now ready to be adopted and begin her new lease on life.

Watch her rescue and transformation in the video below:

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