Whether you attend church every Sunday or prefer to worship at home, you will surely appreciate this story. Dogs are God’s creatures– and if you don’t believe that then this tale will totally change your mind!
Source: Paróquia Nossa Senhora das Dores/Facebook
Father José Geraldo Sobrtakes takes worship very seriously. He resides at Nossa Senhora das Dores parish in Brazil. However, when someone special interrupted church service, he didn’t get annoyed, he embraced it. So who was the little intruder? See for yourself!
Posted by Paróquia Nossa Senhora das Dores on Sunday, June 2, 2019
Father José was rather surprised. But he took it in strides.
Source: Paróquia Nossa Senhora das Dores/Facebook
The playful pup got hold, gently, of Father Josè’s robe and didn’t want to let go. The priest didn’t get worked up about it or shoo the pup away. He actually smiled and continued to play with him.
Source: Paróquia Nossa Senhora das Dores/Facebook
It’s unclear where the pup came from but what is certain is that Father José has a love for dogs just like we do! Folks who have seen the video footage are praising the priest as well as calling the dog ‘an angel with four paws’.
“Beautiful father! I loved your gesture!” one comment said of Sobreira. “Each day that passes I realize animals are in this world to teach us what pure love is, and that all humans should spread it.”
After this video continues to amass viewers, we have a feeling the pews will be filled and there will be standing room only at Nossa Senhora das Dores parish. Agree? Do you think dogs are God’s creatures? Would you attend a church service like Father Josè’s? We know we would!
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