As recalls flourish and lawsuits against Purina and Blue Buffalo make headlines, Reviews .com decided to take matters into their own hands and find out which dog food formulas were most likely to be safe.
To complete this massive undertaking, 10 people on their team dedicated full-time work to this project, which started on March 16.

According to their research, they:
- Built a list of over 11,000 people with connections to the dog food industry and narrowed it down to the best.
- Over 20 experts contributed their valuable time to our work, including veterinarians, dog trainers, animal behaviorists, university researchers, and authors.
- Surveyed 300 dog owners and asked them if they knew what was in their dog’s food.
- Gathered a list of over 8,000 search queries to find out what matters most to dog owners.
- Read and analyzed 72 of the most popular articles and studies on dog food.
- Compiled a list of 2219 formulas from 115 brands and reviewed their ingredients.
The first shocking revelation? 70 percent of the dog owners they surveyed did not know all the ingredients in their dogs’ food.
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