It’s not unusual to see stray cats walking the streets, but one particular stray kitty in Varna, Bulgaria, stood out among the rest.
This stray cat became known as Bulgaria’s famous emerald green cat, due to her striking, bright green appearance.
Source: YouTube
The people who lived in the seaside town grew to love the cat and got used to seeing her around, and tourists were completely enamored by her.
Passersby would take their phones and cameras out as soon as they saw her so they could snap a picture of the unique sight. Many would even feed the cat as they walked by.
Source: YouTube
Photographer Petko Dimitrov heard about the green cat from Facebook and became extremely interested.
Why was this cat green?
Many people assumed that kids had spray painted the cat, but Dimitrov wanted to investigate and dig up the real reason.
Source: YouTube
After speaking with many people who live in the area, Dimitrov learned that the cat had fallen asleep in an old barrel of non-toxic green paint at a construction site, which had turned her fur green.
And this wasn’t the first time it had happened; she had been green in previous years.
Source: YouTube
Of course, the cat’s green fur began to fade and she slowly lost that vibrant color that made her stand out among the rest. Soon, she blended it with all of the other strays in the town.
But we think she’s still just as cute!
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