We all know how mean and vicious pit bulls are. I mean, just look at these faces in the pictures below! Here are 27 terrifying pit bulls to scare the pants off of you. 😉
h/t BuzzFeed
#1 “My 12 year old pit bull got a new friend.”
#2 That face. 🙂
#3 “Look at this vicious pit bull. Just terrifying.”
#4 Kissy kissy!
#5 “Selling my house, a potential buyer wouldn’t come into the back yard because of the pit bull ‘ready to attack’.”
#6 “My sister’s pit bull she rescued seems to get along well with her cat”
#7 “Pit bull puppy bubble bath”
#8 Hello there!
#9 “My pit bull came to say hi while in the bathroom cause i left the door open a little bit”
#10 Snuggling and sleeping.
#11 “So my pit bull thinks she is a lapdog” 😉
#12 “The correct way to sit on tile. Brought to you by Lexi the pit bull :)”
#13 Cream the pit bull is too cool for school! 😛
#14 “This is Bobo, my vicious pit bull.”
#15 So pretty. 🙂
#17 “Our pit bull Zissou in a pig suit.”
#18 Oops. Did I take your spot?
#19 “Pit bull tea party”
#20 Just adopted!
#21 “He just wants to play.”
#22 Interspecies love.
#23 All of the blankets are mine!
#24 Helping Dad work. 🙂
#25 Having some fun in the sun!
#26 Precious nap time.
#27 So vicious! 😉