#3 – Comfortable Ears
Also look at his ears. The ASCPA notes that a happy, relaxed dog will “hold his ears naturally.” Again, this will depend on your specific dog, with a lot depending on his breed and where their ears sit. (www.aspca.org)
Ear shapes vary from breed to breed, but in general, happy dogs wear their ears in a relaxed fashion. One ear may be cocked up, or both may be loose and floppy.
If a dog’s ears are pinned back, it could be a sign of fear or aggression, says Dr. Rachel Barrack of New York City’s Animal Acupuncture. Ears pricked forward often indicate that a dog is interested in something that is going on around them.
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Lori Wallace Campos
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She loves her life… “What do you mean, this is your side of the bed, Mommy?” Love this little girl!