1-Minute Animal Compilation of ‘Unlikely’ Friends Coming Together, Humans Should Take Notes

Why be normal when you can be different? When unlikely animal friends come together, magic happens. When that magic is captured on video, the Internet explodes.

That’s exactly the formula the folks at Android use in their totally adorable, oh-so-swoonworthy video featuring out of the ordinary animal pals.

Source: YouTube

Hearts immediately melt with the first image of an orangutan and his hound. How can you look away? Answer: You can’t because a flurry of furbabies is about to take hold of your emotions.

Source: YouTube

Cats and baby ducks? Covered. A lion cub and a baby bulldog playing together? Check. A dog pushing his cat pal in a stroller? We double dog dare you to look away.

But wait, there’s more.

Source: YouTube

The sheep and baby rhino strolling along a dirt road might induce a few smiles. Of course, sheep hang out with elephants without a care in the world.

Source: YouTube

All is magical in the land of unlikely animal friends. Can you imagine how much kindness the world would feel if we all just put our differences aside and dared to be friends?

Here’s the commercial in all its smile-inducing glory.

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